Thursday, January 5, 2012

being brave, part II

so. what i'm going to say is pretty scary. i have been trying to get up the courage to write this for a long time.

you know how i'm all about being honest on this blog? saying the good, bad, and ugly?
i haven't been honest. i haven't been open.

i have butterflies in my stomach. i might chicken out.

i'm afraid for several reasons.
1. any person who reads this will think of me as completely different.
2. i'm afraid of backlash.
3. i don't want to be seen as a victim.

well if this is so scary, then why am i sharing? i want to share this because i know that one out of any four, if not more, women, (and yes, some men too) have gone through what i'm dealing with in some form. i want those men and women to read this and know that they aren't alone and that there is help and hope out there.

several months ago, i almost ended my life.
yes, i know what some of you may be thinking. suicide is selfish. how could you even consider doing that to your loved ones. let me tell you, if you are thinking these things, it is because you have never been so low that those things didn't matter. when the only option that sounds reasonable is for life to be over, you aren't thinking about being selfish. you're thinking of an end to your pain.

when i was 14 years old, i was sexually assaulted multiple times over a period of about six months. he was a neighbor boy, a year older than me. i thought he was going to be my first kiss.
it's a very long, messy, terrible story that i'm not really ready to share. but it involved enormous amounts of betrayal, guilt, pain, self loathing, the whole bit.

so then at 15, i actually attempted suicide. when that didn't take, i went on to date many boys who used me, belittled me, and who only proved to me that no one could be trusted and that i probably wasn't worth anything.

i have spent the past eight years cycling through repressing, remembering, shutting down, shutting others out, blaming myself, using obsessive compulsive behaviors to trick myself into feeling like i have control, denying, and trying to hide. sometimes i would really think everything was going to be ok, that i was finally over what happened. then, i would see his car, or hear a song that reminded me of him, or even on several occasions, run into him at the mall or the movies. i ran away to college and tried to forget everything, but every time i dated someone who tried to feel me up, it all came back. it was always there, just beneath the surface of my smiling confidence.

i slept through high school. my mom, concerned with my parent teacher reports of me "always sleeping through class," took me to our family doctor to test for anemia. no one knew i had depression. it didn't even cross the doctor's mind.

meanwhile, the boys who had been involved bullied me at school, peed on my house, and made their message clear that i was to keep quiet about everything. one boy who was involved used to scream "you're disgusting! whore!" when he saw me in school.

i used to see him with his girlfriend in the halls and wonder if she knew him in the same way i did. i doubted it.

i didn't know how to open up about this. poor travis wasn't sure how to handle it, but after things got really bad a few months ago, he basically "forced" me to go to counseling.

i meet all the criteria in the DSM-IV for PTSD.

my counselor's name is jessica and she is wonderful. i highly recommend therapy. i'm doing better than i have been since i was that 14 year old girl. it's just nice to have a safe place and a safe person to open up to. right now jessica is helping me to understand the things that trigger the memories and understand that the reactions i have- panic attacks, intrusive thoughts, fear, etc,- are not me, but reactions of PTSD. i've been going to counseling for about eight weeks now and it's really helping. next week, travis is going to come with me and hopefully i'll start learning how to open up to him about everything and let him in.

if you are a survivor of sexual assault or molestation, please know that your life doesn't have to be defined by what happened to you. it wasn't your fault. you don't have to live in fear or deal with it all on your own. i wouldn't have believed that a few months ago, and maybe you don't right now either, but please, please, don't think you are alone.

i know that some of you may read this and think, wow, she really over-shared this time. this is not the appropriate venue for her to work on this. to those people i say, you are part of the problem. our culture needs to address these things, instead of blaming the victim and keeping everything swept under the rug.

i want to say a quick thank you to travis. it really is a miracle that we are together. i never thought i would find a person who cared so much and was so selfless. i never dreamed i could trust someone like i trust travis.

also, a thank you to two dear friends who reminded me why i wanted to live. you both know who you are.

if you have questions or want to talk about a similar experience, please email me.


  1. you are amazing. i'm really glad you're with a good therapist (WOOO! THERAPY!! YEAHH!!!! :D) and i know we haven't been in that much contact, but i am always always always available to tell you how wonderful and interesting a person you are.

    i know this must have been really scary to put out there (i know my similar post was) and you are so brave. /xoxoxox

  2. awww i love you collettey cakes!!! you are such a wonderful person and inspiration to everyone who knows you! (r reads your blog)


  3. Wow Collette, I never would have guess that about you. Sometimes it's shocking to learn someone I look up to so much struggles with such strong issues but you're very brave to put that out there. You're a beautiful girl... inside and out, I'm glad you're learning to concur your devils (we all have them in some form I guess). Love you and I've always felt privileged I've gotten to be your friend in life.

  4. Collette you are so strong and beautiful! I am so proud of you for writing about this. You are so brave and I love you!

  5. You are braver than I am.
    and not just for posting this - but for going to counseling.

    I have never ever found the courage to go, and I know I should have. I often think that the most special and beautiful (and when I say beautiful, I don't mean on the outside) and deep-thinking people I know have gone through a whole lot of hell to get that way. Which means, fortunately, your suffering has not gone to waste.

    This doesn't change a thing about the way I feel or think about you - except that maybe I love you just a little bit more, even though I wasn't sure that was possible.

  6. You are the bravest person I know. I love you so much.

  7. I don't know at what age I'm supposed to stop looking up to you and be a grown up, I'm pretty sure at this point, it's never going to happen. You're wonderful.

  8. Wow, Collette -- I love you for being so open about your life & your feelings. What a hard thing to have experienced. Ugh :( You are a wonderful example of being brave & continuing on, amidst hard, unwanted struggles. So proud of you!!! Love ya!

  9. Collette,
    Thanks for sharing this. I can't imagine how hard it was to write this all out. You are a strong girl and I have always looked up to you and admired you, this just ups that that much more!
    Counseling is a hard thing to say "okay, yeah, I guess I do need this" (I know.. I've been. different situation, but I understand the depression side), but it is so worth it! Stick with it! You will be forever grateful!
    Love You Collette!

  10. so refreshing to read a REAL story. as gruesome as it may be to read (and write), i appreciated it. having gone through something similar, it is really so inspiring that you have come so far. it just goes to show, you don't really know anyone the way you think you do.
    i've said this before, and i'll say it again, i love reading your blog. thanks for being amazing!

  11. hi there. i stumbled across your blog post today via fb and have spent the last 45 minutes avoiding my dishes and reading your archives. i really appreciate your openness and honesty about your life especially with regards to sex, marriage, and self-honesty. that kind of truthfulness is lacking in this world, but especially in our tight-lipped mormon culture. i really appreciated you as a friend in high school weightlifting :), and i'm gonna go add this blog to my reader so i can keep more up-to-date on you and travis.

    and also, when i was home last year, i was went the belview ward to hear my dad speak and saw you guys - but for some reason didn't say hi afterwards. sorry about that, and hi! i thought you looked gorgeous that day, with a cute braided up-do and a red lip.

    blah, blah, blah - long comment, but you i think you are neat and i thought you should know that. ok bye!


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