Tuesday, February 5, 2013

25 & 26.

quick recap of weeks 25 and 26.
also, last night while i was falling asleep in my little brother zane's twin bed (because i basically live at my parents' and how sweet is that 14 year old for letting me take his room?) i realized that remy and i are 27 weeks now. and that means in a few weeks it will be 30. which is really close to 40!!! cool moment.
(also, before taking my infancy class and learning that preggos count pregnancy in weeks, i was always so confused. um, why can't we just say months? so for those of you who aren't pregnant and don't care, like i didn't care, a baby is considered full term at 37 weeks and 40 weeks is the usual length of incubation. or whatever word is officially used.)

some really great things this week, like reed coming home.
some really poopy things like catching a cold, which exacerbates the nausea and dehydration. 

another fun trivia fact: pregnant women are more susceptible to catching illnesses. in order to keep from attacking the little invader fetus, the body suppresses the immune system. great for the fetus, not so great for the host, errrr mother. basically i used to have an incredible immune system, and now every virus and bacteria i'm exposed to latches on and makes itself at home. 

which leads to this. 

call the doctor's office to ask what cold medicines are safe. (a few months ago when i had a nasty cold, i tried to just tough it out, but then i found out later that some cold meds are safe to take when creating a human.) 

so call the doctor's office and they give you a list of safe cold meds. 
go to the pharmacy, select the so-called "safe meds" and double check with the pharmacist, who advises you to not take any of them, because they are a class C drug and not proven safe or unsafe for pregnancy. then he gives you a hotline to call if you have more questions because they are the most up to date on this info. 
you call the hotline and they, in turn, advise you that the meds your doctor's office recommended actually are safe. 

okay, what? 

so then back to the pharmacy, talking to a different pharmacist this time, the weekend one who doesn't know you, (because the usual guy knows you by name now because you are taking so many nausea drugs and in there all the time.) then you have this conversation with the new pharmacist. 

you: hi, i need this prescription refilled. oh and also can you check if it's safe to take this sudafed with these three drugs i'm on? 

her: how far along are you? 

you: two days shy of 26 weeks. 

her: wait, you are still taking all these nausea medications? 

you: yes.

her: wait, that didn't go away after your first trimester?

you: nope, still hanging on.

her: okay, so you still need to take all of these? 

you: yes. deep breath. they tell me i've had hyperemesis. i go in for hydration every few days. so is it safe to take this for my cold then? 

i had to laugh at that conversation. and if you are pregnant and wondering about cold meds, they said as long as my blood pressure is low, no problems there, it was safe for me to take decongestants. i bought the lowest dosage and only took it twice, once on each of the worst days. (and i'm not a doctor, so ask your doctor before taking anything, obvi. but in case you are preg and suffering with a cold.)

and this recap isn't as quick as i thought it would be. 

also week 25, one of the nights that was a really rough night, feeling so sick and unable to eat, reed gave me the most comforting priesthood blessing. us mormons believe that worthy priesthood holders have the power to give blessings in God's name, with His power. priesthood holders can't bless themselves; they use the power to bless others. reed, like i said, has only just returned from his mission. i didn't give him all the intimate details of how terrible this pregnancy has been. but when he put his hands on my head and gave me that blessing, it was as if he had been there and knew all the things i needed to hear. which of course, he wasn't speaking as himself, but was speaking for God, as we believe. anyway, it was extremely helpful and comforting and i'm thankful to have that in my life. 

week 26. what a wonderful week! 
even with that crazy doctor's appointment and having to take that nasty med for my infection. 
this week i was able to eat STEAK. like, the meatiest of all meats. for the first time since august. 
more to come about the great things this week in it's own post. 

here's that cute dress i found for reed's homecoming. on sale too!
couldn't eat much at his party, but enjoyed seeing family and catching up. 
one of my sweet aunts said this, which i think every person who's been pregnant should have said to them.

"good for you for sacrificing so much to give someone a life. you are doing such a great job." 

so nice to hear something like that instead of comments about weight gain or how once he's here i'll forget how awful it was. 

the light at the end is getting bigger and brighter. 
his name is remington and he's real! 


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