Monday, August 6, 2012

a hard week.

sometimes you have a good week. sometimes you have an average week. sometimes you have a bad week.

and then sometimes you have a week like i had last week. where you cry every day, several times a day. including in front of your boss. and your heart just aches so much you wish you could go back to feeling numb and avoiding all feelings like you used to when you were even more of a mess.

last week my favorite kid on the unit tried to kill himself.
then after weeks of sexual harassment from male staff at my job, i reported it to my boss.
and then i quit my job.
had a panic attack in my boss's office because of all the terrible memories of sexual assault and not standing up for myself and how afraid i was to report the harassment because i know how scary repercussions can get. 
i also had an ugly disagreement with an in-law that resulted in ugly words between travis and i.

and someone mowed down my wild sunflower patch.

all the while working every day and trying to keep it together while dealing with angry, entitled, messed up teenagers. i love them, but i sometimes want to yell and swear back at them. mostly at their parents for never teaching them values or boundaries or consequences. 

plus travis worked 72 hours at the fire station and other than our anniversary, we didn't see much of each other last week. 

does it sometimes seem like we are all just down here on this earth wounding each other?

i don't have a happy "but what about____" clause for the end of this post. today i'm just documenting the tough things that happened last week.

and hoping this week will be a little easier.



  1. Sorry to hear about you having such a sucky week. :( The good news is this is a brand new week and a fresh start. I hope it goes much better for you.

  2. I'm sorry you were forced to quit your job because of sexual harassment. I am not sorry to hear that you have the self-respect to know your own boundaries, and that you are committed to your personal safety and mental well-being. You didn't quit, you moved on from a place that no longer had anything to offer you.

    I hope this week is full of workout induced endorphins, Thai food, and copious amounts of frozen yogurt.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that you had a tough week. Those discouragements suck and when I face them, I just want to give up my life sometimes. You are way stronger than me and I'm proud of you for standing out for yourself. I know there's no such thing that I can say to encourage you or anything but I hope you will have a better days this time! I love you!

  4. I double-echo Chelsea's sentiments about Thai and froyo. And I respect you for not noting a silver lining, because sometimes things are hard and it's totally okay to wallow in the hardness for awhile.

    Next week will be better, but it's totally okay not to be happy right now. Thanku fo be my frind. Also, the captcha I had to write was asswgg and now all I can picture is wearing an ass on the top of my head.

    1. hahahahahahaha yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you get the best captchas!


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