Tuesday, June 12, 2012

forever friends, forever friends who birth pretty babies, road trips, casting spells like HP, sexy treasure hunts, and big girl jobs.

holy smokes.
so many things happened in the past week.
like, for starters, today was my first day at my new job. wait what? new job! yep, someone decided i was worth hiring.
and, yesterday i got to meet my sweet niece amelia! she's healthy and beautiful.
and my momma and i took a road trip to idaho falls for the weekend.
oh and i got a library card!!
see, so many great things. 

ok, starting at the beginning. 

last week travis went out of town to make the big bucks working for his uncle's cabinet business. it was the longest nine days of my life! so to help the time fly by, i partied all week.

spent time with my hawaii girlfriends, bonnie and alyssa. ate SO MUCH frozen yogurt, went shopping, talked about everything, and enjoyed the unique closeness we share. we were just missing the 4th member of our foursome, erika dick.

(sorry if we are instagram friends and you've seen these already.) 

ok, so what else. oh yes, the library card. now that i'm a resident of the city of south jordan, i figured it was high time to check out their library situation. one of the greatest joys of my life has always been found in the quiet sanctuary of the library and south jordan did not disappoint. when i was a college student, i used to dream of having time to read fiction, to enjoy those made up fantasies and wonderful imagined stories. i wasn't prepared for how much my tastes have changed. i didn't expect to leave with titles like, the working poor, invisible in america, and the flipside of feminism. oh psych degree, how you have changed me! it is definitely a treat to have time to ready whatever i please instead of poring over textbooks.

then on friday, my mom and i left for idaho falls. it was nice to spend one-on-one time together like that. my mom and i have always been besties and i'm thankful for that. we did crafts and went shopping with my grandma and ate so much ice cream from my uncle's dairy, "reed's dairy", and if you're in IF you need to go there.always good to get out of slc for a little bit and see some new scenery.

... yeah, pretty much like this the entire time. 
more pictures from my real camera to come.

amelia was born! she is perfect and healthy and liana did it without meds! she is pretty much my hero. getting to hug liana and hold amelia in my arms was a really emotional experience and i'm so thankful for both of them. 

the sweetest! 

and then today was my first day at my first grown up job! 
i'm now a counselor at valley mental health's boys drug rehabilitation facility and once in a while i'll work with the girls'. this is a job i have always thought would be so rewarding and eye opening. so thankful to have found in job in my field during this economy. funny where life takes you sometimes.

headed to my first day of grown up job! 
...as a candy cane in this year's christmas pageant...

ok, so even though i look like a grown up, (or maybe not, since i was mistaken for a 16 year old on sunday.) today at work, i was not a grown up. and the pressure was on! 

in the first hour, i managed to smear chocolate from a granola bar all over my brand new shirt. then when i found it, i obsessively started checking my elbows for chocolate. the girl next to me kept looking over at me and then i realized it probably looked like i was checking out my own boobs.
i was the only person in the room who had to ask for help filling out the W-4 tax sheet. everyone did a collective eye roll at the girl who didn't even understand taxes.
when we were waiting in the hall to get into the computer lab, and no one could open the door and no one would answer when we knocked, i instinctively blurted out, "alohomora!" AND THE DOOR OPENED! but then only one person laughed and the rest of them looked at me like i was the craziest, geekiest nerd ever known to man. which i apparently am. 
when we took pictures for our id badges (and i was so excited for an actual id badge!) my picture. is the dorkiest. picture. ever. sometime when i'm not pooped i'll upload it so you can laugh at me.
basically i don't think i'll ever be an adult. you feel the same, right? 

oh and then there was the adorable surprise travis had waiting for me when i got home from idaho last night. 
i'll spare you the details, but he had tricked me into thinking he had to work, (even hid his bike so i'd think he was gone) and then he left clues all over the house directing me to a surprise. the surprise included, but was not limited to: travis not being at work and a relaxing bath. plus he did all the laundry, including putting it away, which is a BIG DEAL, and he had made guacamole and marinated steaks for dinner. so sexy, that man. 

so yeah, that was my busy week. life is so exciting isn't it? even when you're a geeky twelve year old. and especially when your best friend gives birth, and you start one of your bucket list careers, and your husband leaves you clues instructing you to take off all your clothes. 

gosh, i can't help myself when it comes to overshares. 

but really, life is going pretty damn well. 

follow your dreams. HARRYPOTTERFORLIFE!



  1. HP for life!! Haha I am so glad we share a love for the series! And those pictures with that tiny baby? Well I guess you girls are pretty cute.... :)

  2. Woo hoo! Congrats on the new job. The Harry Potter comment cracked me up. Also? Shawn thinks that doing the laundry = putting it in the washer, and then switching it to the dryer. And his responsibility ends there. He says that MY job is to put it all away. Uh, that's THE WORST DAMN PART. Men are special.

  3. congratulations on getting a job! best of luck :)
    congratulations, jeremy and liana! amelia is beautiful. and i love the name.
    HP comment also cracked me up. bummer you're working with a bunch of stiffs! orientation jitters..

  4. First things first: Can you take a road trip to Idaho Falls again sometime between July 12-20 and come take pretty pictures of me and my chubby baby while I am visiting family? And I will take you out for lunch or dinner and then ice cream at Reeds (best EVER) and we can have our first date as real-life friends and not just blog buddies? (Just kidding...I wouldn't really ask you to drive all the way up there....or would I? Seriously though. You should).

    Second, Amelia is adorable.

    Third, I am seriously so proud of you for getting a REAL job. Like, for reals. I was too lame and scared, and you are awesome and brave and will do great things there. And you will become the girl everyone wants to be friends with pretty dang quick, especially if you keep throwing out the HP references.

    Fourth, HPFORLIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Haha -- I love this post! I love all the great things going on -- eeeekkk!!!!!! :) :) SO EXCITING! [can we cyber-scream right now & jump up & down giddily!?]

    Love your magical-moment that actually made the door open! HAHA :) SO impressed.

    And oh my goodness. What a sweet husband. It's so fun to be sexy with each other. :)

    And YAY ON THE NEW NIECE!!!!! Glad she & mama are doing well!!


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