Tuesday, October 13, 2009

a little grumpy

im trying not to be a hypocrite. i hurt him first and it's only fair that everyone who disagreed with him leaving in the first place and blamed me would now be angry at me for hurting him. and totally disregard the way i am feeling. fair enough right?

seriously though can we grow up a little?

can i just be angry for a minute?

do you think that maybe just because i don't share how i feel with you that im not also feeling sad and hurt? do you ever think that maybe you should share with the people i used to be so close to how we have talked and made things better? or is it just easier to let them hate me for awhile?

am i really wasting my emotions over this?

and will i ever really know what i want?


  1. it is okay to be angry for a minute.

    remember that time were weren't japanese and we stomped around town?

    i'd do that for you if i could.

    because i love you. mucho.

  2. before you're able to love anyone else, you must say fuck everyone and love yourself. then you can love everyone else. regardless of whether they "hate" you, you can still love them. after the aforementioned. and I put hate in quotes only because I don't see how anyone could seriously hate you.

    oh, and what you want is what you already have. so yes to your question, because you've always known what you('ve) want(ed).


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