Saturday, August 1, 2009

bought a new guitar strap for my ax. it's multicolored and wovenish. found it in a little shop in georgia. i can't stop carrying it around the house pretending it's a new baby.

the south is humid and gorgeous. south carolina was especially nice. deep fried candy bars and fatz.

seeing morgan every day for ten days was heaven. no one makes me laugh like she does or spoons me to sleep in a hetero way.

i hate flying.

macy's is still paying the billz but slowly sucking my soul away. well until we had a dance party tonight and got some customers to join in the contest of worst dance moves evar.

im dating a nice guy who makes me laugh and outwits me. sometimes.

playing music on a stage in front of hundreds of people wasn't as scary as i thought. even though i peed a little when they called our names. time to start writing my own musack.

life is so so so good. love you


  1. I'm worrying about you getting old soon. anyways, you still look young, so no worries.

  2. hahahaha. so much tact.
    i'm no worried about you getting old love.
    i'm so glad sc was awesome!

  3. of course you peed a little ;)

    i'm glad you had fun and i can't wait to see your baby. both the strap and the boy.


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